The Amos Oz reader / selected and edited by
Nitza Ben-Dov. --
Boston ; New York : Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2009.
392 p. -- (Mariner books)
The Amos Oz Reader draws on Oz's entire body of work, loosely grouped into four themes: the kibbutz, the city of Jerusalem, the idea of a "promised land," and his own life story. Included are excerpts from his celebrated novels, among them
Where the Jackals Howl, A Perfect Peace, My Michael, Fima, Black Box, and
To Know a Woman. Nonfiction is represented by selections from
Under This Blazing Light, The Slopes of Lebanon, In the Land of Israel, and Oz's masterpiece,
A Tale of Love and Darkness. Robert Alter, a noted Hebrew scholar and translator, has provided an illuminating introduction.
Table of Contents:
Introduction — by Robert Alter The Kibbutz — "an exemplary non-failure"
The Kibbutz at the Present Time ( from Under This Blazing Light -- an essay) /
Where the Jackals Howl (from Where the Jackals Howl -- a story) /
The Way of the Wind (from Where the Jackals Howl -- a story)
/ 25-46
An Extended Family (from Elsewhere, Perhaps) /
Secret Adaptability (from A Perfect Peace) /
Jerusalem — An Alien City
An Alien City (from Under This Blazing Light -- an essay) / 105-110
It's Cold in this Jerusalem of Yours (from My Michael) / 111-147
Whoever Moves toward the Light Moves toward the Holy City
(from Crusade) / 148-172
Life Nowadays is like a Stupid Party (from The Hill of Evil Counsel --a novella) /
A City where All Men are Half Prophet, Half Prime Minister
(from Fima) / 197-232
In the Promised Land
The Meaning of Homeland (from Under This Blazing Light -- an essay) / 235-252
Thank God for His Daily Blessing (from In the Land of Israel -- epilogue) / 253-269
Yours with Great Respect and in Jewish Solidarity (from Black Box) / 270-306
And So Yoel Ravid Began to Give In (from To Know a Woman) / 307-333
Hebrew Melodies (from The Slopes of Lebanon -- prologue) / 334-353
In an Autobiographical Vein
An autobiographical note (from Under This Blazing Light — an essay) / 357-361
Father and Son in a Search for Love (from The Same Sea) / 362-363
My Mother was Thirty-Eight when She Died (from A Tale of Love and Darkness) / 364-378
Imagining the Other is a Deep and Subtle Human Pleasure
(Goethe Prize Speech) / 379-386
Index Credits