Michael Fishbane: Recent work on Biblical narrative <on
דרכי העיצוב הספרותי של הסיפור במקרא על-פי שמואל ב' י'-כ';
מלכים א' א'-ב' מאת שמעון בר-אפרת,J.P.
Fokkelman's Narrative art in Genesis, and Jacob Licht's Story
telling in the Bible> (pp.99-104)
David Stern: New directions in Medieval Hebrew poetry
<on שירת הקודש העברית בימי הביניים,
מאת עזרא פליישר and חידוש
ומסורת בשירת החול העברית, מאת דן פגיס>
(pp. 104-115)
Arnold Band: A history of modern Hebrew fiction <on
הסיפורת העברית 1880־1970, כרך ראשון: בגולה מאת
גרשון שקד> (pp. 115-118)
vol. 1, no. 2 (May 1981) / editors: Alan Mintz, David G. Roskies
Table of contents:
Uriel Simon: Samuel's call to prophecy : from criticsm with close
reading (pp.119-132)
James H. Lehman: Polemic and satire in the poetry of the Maimonidean
controversy (pp.133-151)
Jacob Frances (1615-1667): Two love sonnets <a
translation by Marcia Falk> (pp.153-157)
Hana Wirth-Nesher: Voices of ambivalence in
Sholem Aleichem's Monologues (pp.158-171)
Alan Mintz: The Song at the Sea and the question of doubling in
Midrash (pp.185-192)
Janet Hadda: German and Yiddish in the poetry of Jacob Glatstein
(pp. 192-200)
Edward L. Greenstein: Biblical narratology <on
James L. Crenshaw's Samson, a secret betrayed, a vow ignored ;
Michael Fishbane's Text and texture ; David M. Gunn's The
Story of King David and his The fate of King Saul
; and Jack M. Sasson's Ruth, a new translation> (pp.201-208)
David G. Roskies: The Holocaust according to the literary critics
<on Edward Alexander's The Resonance of dust: essays on Holocaust
literature and Jewish fate ; on Dorothy Bilik's
Immigrant-survivors : Post-Holocaust conciousness in recent Jewish
American fiction ; Hamida Bosmajian's Metaphores of evil ;
Sidra DeKoven Ezrahi's By words alone ; Alvin H. Rosenfeld's A
double dying ; Encountering the Holocaust, edited
by Byron L. Sherwin & Susan G. Ament ; and ספרות יידיש
ועברית תחת שלטון הנאצים במזרח אירופה by יחיאל
שיינטוך (pp.209-216)
vol. 1, no. 3 (September 1981) / editors: Alan Mintz, David G. Roskies
Table of contents:
James Kugel: On the Bible and literary criticism (pp. 217-236)
Edward L. Greenstein: The riddle of Samson (pp. 237-260)
David Stern: Rhetoric and Midrash : the case of the Mashal
(pp. 261-291)
Dan Miron: Rediscovering Haskalah poetry
<Paper read on the occasion of J. L.
Gordon's 150th birthday at a colloquium held by the Center for Jewish
Studies, Harvard University, 31 March 1981> (pp. 292-305)
Marc Saperstein: Halevi's west wind (pp. 306-311)
William Cutter: Figurative language in Agnon's "Sippur pashut"
(pp. 311-315)
Arnold Band: The "rehabilitation" of Uri Zevi Greenberg
<on אורי צבי גרינברג במלאת לו שמונים, בעריכת
חנן חבר ;
ריתמוס הרחבות : הלכה ומעשה בשירתו האקספרסיוניסטית של אורי צבי גרינברג, מאת
בנימין הרושובסקי (הרשב);
אורי צבי גרינבערג'ס געזאַמלטע ווערק, נאכוואָרט פון חנא שמערוק;
מבחר שירים, ליקט יהודה פרידלנדר;
באמצע העולם ובאמצע הזמנים : מבחר שירים משנות העשרים והשלושים / אורי צבי גרינברג ; בחר -
בנימין הרושובסקי (הרשב)אורי צבי גרינברג - ביבליוגרפיה של מפעלו הספרותי, בעריכת יוחנן ארנון>
(pp. 316-326)
James Kugel: Avot Yeshurun in English
<on Avot Yeshurun's The Syrian-African Rift and other
poems, translated into English by Harold Schimmel> (pp. 326-331)
vol. 2, no. 1 (January 1982) / edited by Alan Mintz and David G. Roskies
James Kugel:
On all of
Hebrew poetry <on The Penguin Book of Hebrew verse
/ edited and translated by T. Carmi> (pp.
Audri Durchslag:
Nahman and his readers <on Tormented Master: a
life of Rabbi Nahman of Bratslav, by Arthur Green ; Nahman of
Bratslav: the tales, by Arnold Band, and, Beggars and prayers,
by Adin Steinsaltz> (pp. 221-226)
vol. 2, no. 3 (September 1982) / edited by Alan Mintz and David G. Roskies
David G. Roskies:
Treasures of Howe and Greenberg <A Treasury of Yiddish Stories
(1954) by Irving Howe, Eliezer Greenberg; A Treasury of Yiddish Poetry
(1969) by Irving Howe, Eliezer Greenberg; Voices from the Yiddish:
Essays, Memoirs, Diaries (1972) by Irving Howe, Eliezer
Greenberg; Selected Stories: I. L. Peretz by
Irving Howe, Eliezer Greenberg; Ashes Out of Hope: Fiction by Soviet-Yiddish Writers (1977) by
Irving Howe, Eliezer Greenberg> (pp. 109-114)
David C. Jacobson:
Fiction and history in the
writings of Micha Yosef Berdyczewski (Bin-Gorion)
<On נחלת מי"ב [The Heritage of MYB (Bin-Gorion): An Annotated Bibliography] by Dan Almagor, Shmuel Z. Fishman;
רשות היחיד [The Life and Work of Micha Josef Berdyczewski (Bin-Gorion) in His Last Twenty Years] by Emanuel Bin-Gorion;
קוראי הדורות [M. J. Berdyczewski (Bin-Gorion) in His Stories, Legends, Essays, and Studies] by Emanuel Bin-Gorion;
יידישע כתבים פון א ווייטן קרוב (Yiddish Works of a Distant Relative) by Micha Josef Bin-Gorion (Berdyczewski),
edited by Shmuel Werses; הגות וסיפורת ביצירת ברדיצ'בסקי:
סימפוזיון (Thought and Fiction in the Works of Berdyczewski: A Symposium) by Zippora Kagan> (pp. 205-210)
Jeffrey Fleck:
Brenner in
the Seventies
<On ברנר הצעיר: חייו ויצירותיו של ברנר עד
להופעת "המעורר" בלונדון" [Young Brenner : Brenner's life and works up
to the publication of "Hame'orer" in London] by
Yitzhak Bakon,
and אומנות הסיפור של י"ח ברנר [Y. H. Brenner's
craft of fiction], by Yosef Ewen> (pp. 285-294)
vol. 4, no. 1 (January 1984)
A special issue:
International Jewish Writing: From the Bellagio Conference
Ken Frieden: I. B. Singer’s Monologues of Demons (pp.263-268
Daniel Boyarin and David Stern: An Exchange on the Mashal
Stanley Nash: Criticism as a Calling: The Case of
Baruch Kurzweil <on James Diamond's
Barukh Kurzweil and modern Hebrew literature, and Kurzweil's חפוש הספרות הישראלית> (pp. 281-287)
Joel Rosenberg: Dual Vocations: The Biblical Scholar and the Biblical
Storyteller <on Adele Berlin's Poetics and interpretation
of Biblical narrative>(pp.287-295)
Dan Miron: Domesticating a foreign genre :
Agnon's transactions with the novel (pp. 1-27)
Yael S. Feldman: The Latent and the
Manifest: Freudianism in A Guest for the Night (pp.
Gershon Shaked and Yaakov Green: Portrait of
the immigrant as a young neurotic (pp. 41-52)
Nitza Ben-Dov: Dreams and human destiny in
"Ad hena" (pp. 53-63)
Aryeh Wineman: Agnon's "Linen Man": Abraham and Satan in the Land of Ambiguity
(pp. 65-71)
William Cutter: Rendering Galicia for America: On Hillel Halkin's Translation of Sippur pashut
(pp. 73-87)
Marshall Wilen: Citizen Cahan <on Beyond Ethnicity: Consent and Descent in American Culture by Werner Sollors;
Grandma Never Lived in America: The New Journalism of Abraham Cahan by Moses Rischin (pp. 89-96)
Ilan Stavans: Borges and the Jews <on The Aleph Weaver: Biblical, Kabbalistic and Judaic Elements in Borges by Edna Aizenberg> (pp. 96-105)
vol. 7, no. 2 (May 1987)
Table of contents:
Arthur A. Cohen: Myths and Riddles : some observations about literature
and theology <with an introduction by David Stern> (pp. 107-121)
Ross Brann: Judah Halevi : the compunctious poet (pp.
Yael S. Feldman: Zionsim: neurosis or cure?
: the "Historical" drama of Yehoshua Sobol
<on נפש יהודי by Y. Sobol> (pp. 145-162)
Francis Landy: Recent developments in Biblical poetics
<on Wilfred G.E.Watson's Classical Hebrew poetry;
on Adele Berlin's The dynamics of Biblical parallelism; and on Robert
Alter's The art of Biblical poetry> (pp.163-178)
Steven D. Fraade: Interpreting Midrash 1: Midrash and the history of
Judaism <on Jacob Neusner's Judaism and scripture: the
evidence of Leviticus Rabbah> (pp. 179-194)
Howard Eilberg-Schwartz: When the reader is in the write
<on José Faur's Golden doves with
silver dots: semiotics and textuality in Rabbinic tradition>
Steven D. Fraade:
Interpreting Midrash 2: Midrash and Its Literary Contexts
<on David Weiss Halivni's Midrash, Mishnah, and Gemara:
the Jewish predilection for justified law, and Geoffrey H. Hartman and
Sanford Budick (eds.) Midrash and Literature> (pp. 284-300)
Naomi B. Sokoloff:
Feminist criticism and Hebrew literature
<on Nehama Aschkenasy's Eve's journey: Feminine images
in Hebraic literary tradition, and on Esther Fuchs'
Israeli mythologynies: Women in contemporary Hebrew Fiction> (pp.
vol. 8, no. 2 (May 1988)
Table of contents:
Uriel Simon: A balanced story : the stern prophet and the kind witch (pp.
Judah Goldin: Of Shalom Spiegel
(pp. 173-181)
Nurit Gertz: To Caesar what is Caesar's :
Ideology versus literature in the stories of Hazaz (pp.
Deborah Steinhardt: Figures of thought : Psycho-narration in the
fiction of Berdichewsky,
Bershadsky and Feierberg (pp.
Goldie Morgentaler: The foreskin of the heart : Ecumenism in Sholem
Asch's Christian trilogy (pp. 219-244)
Notes and Readings
Eliezer Segal: Law as Allegory? : an unnoticed literary device in
Talmudic narratives (pp.
Abraham Novershtern:
Yiddish poetry in a new context
<on American Yiddish poetry: a bilingual anthology edited by
Benjamin and Barbara Harshav, and The Penguin Book of Modern Yiddish
Verse, edited by Irving Howe, Ruth R. Wisse, and Khone Shmeruk> (pp.
Robert H. Wolf:
Everyman's Singer <on Grace
Farrell Lee's From Exile to Redemption: the fiction of Isaac Bashevis
Singer ; on David Neal Miller's Fear of Fiction: narrative
strategies in the works of Isaac Bashevis Singer ; on David Neal
Miller (editor) Recovering the Canon ; and on Isaac Bashevis
Singer and Richard Burgin's Conservations with Isaac Bashevis Singer>
(pp. 85-92)
Burton L. Visotzky:
Text, Translation, Targum
<on Michael L. Klein's Geniza, Manuscripts of
Palestinian Targum to the Pentateuch ; on Daniel J. Harrington and
Anthony J. Saldarini's translation of Targum Jonathan of the Former
Prophets ; on Bruce D. Chilton's translation of The Isaiah Targum
; on Robert Hayward's translation of The Targum of Jeremiah
; and on Samson H. Levey's translation of The Targum of Ezekiel (pp.
vol. 9, no. 2 (May 1989)
Table of contents:
Yairah Amit: The Multi-Purpose "Leading Word" and the Problems of its
Usage (pp. 99-114)
Kathryn Hellerstein:
The aesthete and the rebel : two Yiddish poets
<on Ruth R. Wisse's A Little love in big Manhattan:
two Yiddish poets – on Mani Leyb and Moyshe-Leyb Halpern> (pp.
Monika Adamczyk-Garbowska:
A new generation of voices in Polish
Holocaust literature <on Irena Maciejewska's (ed.)
Meczenstwo i zaglada Zydow w zapisach literatury polskiej[The
Holocaust in Polish literature] and Jaroslaw Marek Rymkiewicz's
Umschlagplatz> (pp. 273-287)
Elisa New:
Cynthia Ozick's Timing <on Joseph Lowen's
Cynthia Ozick, Sanford Pinsker's The uncompromising fictions
of Cynthia Ozick, and Daniel Walden's (ed.) The world of Cynthia
Ozick> (pp. 288-294)
Naomi Diamant:
Writing the Holocaust: canons and contexts
<on S. Lillian Kremer's Witness through the
imagination: Jewish American Holocaust literature ; Berel Lang's
(editor) Writing and the Holocaust ; and, James E. Young's
Writing and rewriting the Holocaust> (pp. 96-106)
vol. 11, no. 2 (May 1991) / editors: Alan Mintz and David G. Roskies
Table of contents:
Vera Basch Moreen: Moses, God's shepherd: an episode from a
Judeo-Persian epic (pp. 107-130)
Deborah Steinhart: Is anybody there? the subjectivism of
Uri-Nisan Gnessin reconsidered (pp.
Reuven Snir: We were like those who dream" : Iraqi-Jewish writers in
Israel in the 1950s (pp. 153-173)
Notes and Readings
Jonathan Magonet: Isaiah's Mountain, or, The shape of things to come (pp.
Joel Rosenberg: Grammar with a small "g" <On
Lewis Glinert's A grammar of modern Hebrew> (pp. 183-197)
James S. Diamond: Nurit Govrin: Critic or
Curator? <on N. Govrin's books:
מאורע ברנר, המחצית הראשונה, דבש
מסלע and Alienation and Regeneration>
(pp. 197-211)
vol. 11, no. 3 (September 1991) / editors: Alan Mintz and David G. Roskies
Table of contents:
Isaac Gottlieb: Sof Davar: Biblical endings (pp.
Raymond P. Scheindlin: Four Hebrew sonnets from Italy
<by Immanuel of Rome, Yosef Tzarfati and Moshe ben Yoav, and
translations into English> (pp.
Dvora Bregman: The emergence of the Hebrew Sonnet (pp.
Michael Galchinsky: One Jew talking: Jacob Glatetein's Diminished
imperative voice (pp. 241-257)
Michael Gluzman: The exclusion of women from
Hebrew literary history (pp. 259-278)
Anne Golomb Hoffman: Constructing masculinity in
Yaakov Shabtai's Past continuous (pp. 279-295)
Notes and Readings
Stanley Nash: Two poles of the Yom Kippur experience in
Agnon (pp.
Adele Berlin: The Medieval Jewish reading of Psalms <On
Uriel Simon's Four approaches to the Book of Psalms>
(pp. 303-307)
Marc Saperstein: Polish Jewry: open or closed? <on
Jacob Elbaum's
פתיחות והסתגרות: היצירה הרוחנית הספרותית
בפולין וארצות אשכנז בשלהי המאה השש-עשרה>(pp. 307-310)
Andras Hamori:
The Compunctious Hebrew poet
<On Ross Brann's The Compunctious Poet : Cultural ambiguity and Hebrew poetry in Muslim Spain> (pp. 192-200)
Sanford Pinsker:
Competing for the soul of Cynthia Ozick’s art<on Norman Finklestein's The ritual
of new creation : Jewish tradition and contemporary literature, and
on Elaine Kauvar's Cynthia Ozick's fiction : tradition and invention>
(pp. 94-102)
vol. 14, no. 2 (May 1994) / editors: Alan Mintz, David G. Roskies
Table of contents:
Stephen A. Geller: Fiery wisdom: logos and lexis in Deuteronomy 4
(pp. 103-139)
Lawrence Rosenwald: On the reception of Buber and Rosenzweig's Bible (pp.
Joseph Sherman: What's Jews? : Isaac Bashevis Singer's
Androygenus (pp. 167-188)
Richard Kalmin: The modern study of ancient Rabbinic literature:
Yonah Fraenkel's Darkhei ha'aggadah vehamidrash
<on דרכי
האגדה והמדרש / מאת יונה פרנקל> (pp. 189-204)
vol. 14, no. 3 (September 1994) / editors: Alan Mintz, David G. Roskies
Lawrence Rosenwald:
For and against Gershom Scholem
<on Robert Alter's Necessary Angels: tradition and modernity in
Kafka, Benjamin and Scholem and on Susan A. Handelman's
Fragments of Redemption: Jewish thought and literary theory in Benjamin,
Scholem, and Levinas> (pp. 285-298)
Marvin A. Sweeney:
Prophetic Books as Literature?
<on Peter D. Miscall's Isaiah : Readings: a new Biblical commentary,
and, Kenneth M. Craig, Jr.'s A Poetics of Jonah : art in the service
of ideology> (pp. 195-202)
Murray H. Lichtenstein:
Singing of the Songs of Zion
<on Nahum M. Sarna's Songs of the heart : an introduction to the Book
of Psalms>
(pp. 202-208)
vol. 18, no. 1 (January 1998)
Table of contents:
Marc Caplan: Performance anxieties: carnival spaces and assemblages
in Der Nister's "Under a fence" (pp. 1-18)
Joshua M. Getz and Thomas O. Beebee: The epistolary politics of
Amos Oz's Black box (pp. 45-65)
Oren Baruch Stier: Memory matters: reading collrctive memory in contemporary
Jewish culture <On Yael Zerubavel's
Recovered roots: collective memory and the making of Israeli national
tradition> (pp. 67-82)
Francis Landy: From tragedy to art and film: Cheryl Exum's contribution
to Biblical studies <on J. Cheryl Exum's
Tragedy and Biblical narrative and Plotted, shot, and painted:
cultural representations of Biblical women> (pp. 95-102)
Adele Reinhartz: Radical dualism and the reading of Paul
<on Daniel Boyarin's A radical Jew: Paul and the politics
of identity> (pp. 103-106)
Abigail Gillman: A Bible for "People today" <on Martin
Buber and Franz Rosenzweig's Scripture and translation) (pp. 106-112)
vol. 20, nos. 1+2 (Winter/Spring 2000)
Special issue: Reading through the Lens of Gender / Co-editors: Marc
Brettler and Anne Golomb Hoffman
Table of contents:
Anne Golomb Hoffman: Embodiments : an introduction (pp.
Bonna Devora Haberman: The suspected adulteress : a study of textual
embodiment (pp. 12-42)
Adele Reinhartz: Margins, methods, and metaphors : reflections on a
Feminist Companion to the Hebrew Bible (pp. 43-60)
Natan Margalit: Not by her mouth do we live : a literary / anthropological
reading of gender in Mishnah Ketubot, chapter 1 (pp.
Tova Rosen: Circumcised Cinderella: the fantasies
of a fourteenth-century Jewish author (pp. 87-110)
Wendy Zierler: Charit(ess) of Fire : Yokheved
Bat-Miriam's female personifications of Erets Israel
(pp. 111-138)
Sara R. Horowitz: Gender, genocide, and Jewish memory
(pp. 158-190)
Kathryn Hellerstein: Translating as a feminist : reconceiving Anna Margolin
(pp. 191-208)
A response from Lawrence Rosenwald (pp. 209-212)
A response from Anita Norich (pp. 213-218)
Marc Brettler: Afterword : Sof Davar Hakol Nishma? (pp.
Abstracts (pp. 224-229)
vol. 22, nos. 1+2 (Winter/Spring 2002)
Special issue: The Cinema of Jewish Experience / Edited by Joel Rosenberg
and Stephen J. Whitfield
Table of contents:
Joel Rosenberg, Stephen J. Whitfield: The cinema of Jewish experience
: introduction (pp. 1-10)
Joel Rosenberg: What you ain't heard yet: the languages of The Jazz
Singer (pp. 11-54)
David N. Coury: "Auch ruhiges Land ..." : remembrance and testimony
in Paul Celan's Nuit et Brouillard translation
(pp. 55-76)
Alan Rosen: "Teach me gold" : pedagogy and memory in The Pawnbroker
(pp. 77-117)
Elisa New: Good-bye, children; Good-bye, Mary, mother of sorrows : The
church and the Holocaust in the art of Louis Malle (pp. 118-140)
Judd Ne'eman: The Jar and the Blade : fertility myth and medieval
romance in Israeli political films (pp. 141-156)
Nurith Gertz: Space and gender in the new Israeli
and Palestinian cinema (pp. 157-185)
Jacob Weitzner: Yiddish in Israeli cinema (pp. 186-199)
Régine-Mihal Friedman: The double legacy of Arbeit Macht Frei
(pp. 200-220)
Joel Rosenberg: Rogin's Noise: The Alleged historical crimes of The
Jazz Singer <on Michael Rogin's Blackface, White noise
: Jewish immigrants in the Hollywood Melting Pot> (pp. 221-239)
Abstracts (pp. 240-244)
vol. 22, nos. 3 (Fall 2002)
Table of contents:
Adriane B. Leveen: Falling in the wilderness : Death reports in the
Book of Numbers (pp. 245-272)
Elie Assis: Chiasmus in Biblical Narrative: Rhetoric of
Characterization (pp. 273-304)
Barry dov Walfish: Kosher Adultery? The Mordecai-Esther-Ahasuerus Triangle in Midrash and Exegesis (pp.
Stanley Nash: Critical reappraisals of Aharon Appelfeld <on
בין כפור לעשן / בעריכת יצחק בן-מרדכי ואיריס פרוש;
on קינת היחיד ונצח השבט : אהרן
אפלפלד – תמונת עולם /
מאת יגאל שוורץ and the English version: Aharon Appelfeld : from individual lament to tribal
eternity ; and Gershon Shaked's “רקוויאם לעם היהודי שנהרג"
בתוך: הסיפורת העברית, 1880-1980 and Gershon
Shaked.Modeern Hebrew fiction, edited
by Emily Budick, and Aharon Appelfeld. Beyond
Despair: three lectures and a conversation with Philip Roth. and Aharon
Appelfeld.סיפור חיים. and
Aharon Appelfeld. “זכרון אישי וזיכרון קיבוצי - שיחה, ”זיכרון
סמוי, זיכרון גלוי edited by Yoel Rappel> (pp. 334-354)
Oren Baruch Stier: Holocaust, American Style <on Alan L. Berger. Childrem of Job: American second-generation witnesses to the Holocaust. and
Lawrence L. Langer.
Preempting the Holocaust. and S. Lillian Kremer. Women's Holocaust writing: Memory and imagination.
Hilene Flanzbaum, ed. The Americanization of the Holocaust. and Jeffrey Shandler. While America watches: televising the Holocaust.
and Yosefa Loshitzky, ed. Spielberg's Holocaust: Critical perspectives on
Schindler's List. and Norman Finkelstein. The Holocaust industry: Reflections on the exploitation of Jewish suffering. (pp.
Rachel Rubinstein: Textualizing Black-Jewish relations
<on Karen Brodkin. How Jews became White folks and what that says about race in America. and Emily Budick.
Blacks and Jews in literary conversation. and Adam Newton. Facing Black and Jew: literature as public space in Twentieth-century America. and Ethan Goffman.
Imagining each other: Blacks and Jews in contemporary American literature.>
(pp. 392-402)